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Global Day of Parents

Global Day of Parents 2025, 2026 and 2027

The UN observance called Global Day of Parents is celebrated every 1 June. This is the same date as International Children’s Day, and so it is a time of international concern for strengthening the family.

20251 JunSunGlobal Day of Parents
20261 JunMonGlobal Day of Parents
20271 JunTueGlobal Day of Parents
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The purpose of Global Day of Parents is to recognise the vital role played by both mothers and fathers in caring for and teaching their children. Parenthood is a common possession and common value of all human beings, regardless of where they live or what ethnic group they come from. Global Day of Parents is a time to stress that fact and to promote principles of good parenting worldwide.

On and around 1 June, there will be special parenting and parent related events organised all over the world by community leaders, pro-family organisations, and governments. There will also be media campaigns promoting the importance of parents and of good parenting.

Previous Years

20241 JunSatGlobal Day of Parents
20231 JunThuGlobal Day of Parents