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International Day of Happiness

International Day of Happiness 2025, 2026 and 2027

Beginning only in 2013, the UN has observed 20 March as the “International Day of Happiness”, or just “Happiness Day” for short. And it was a happy occasion when the resolution establishing this observance passed unanimously – even with 193 different nations voting.

202520 MarThuInternational Day of Happiness
202620 MarFriInternational Day of Happiness
202720 MarSatInternational Day of Happiness
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The philosophy behind the day is that the “pursuit of happiness” is a basic human right and goal. And there is also the basic assumption that, in order to promote world happiness, initiatives should be undertaken to eradicate poverty, establish equality, and protect the environment. These goals are pursued through “sustainable development” efforts of the UN, of member states, and of humanitarian organisations.

On and leading up to “World Happiness Day”, there is special media attention given to happiness and what promotes it or hinders it, special fundraising campaigns, and events focused on human happiness and the desire to spread it among all of earth’s peoples.

Previous Years

202420 MarWedInternational Day of Happiness
202320 MarMonInternational Day of Happiness