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International Migrants Day

International Migrants Day 2024, 2025 and 2026

The UN observance called International Migrants Day occurs every 18 December. This day has been an official international observance since 2000, and it is intended to shine the spotlight on the plight, rights, and contributions of the millions of migrants all over the world.

202418 DecWedInternational Migrants Day
202518 DecThuInternational Migrants Day
202618 DecFriInternational Migrants Day
202718 DecSatInternational Migrants Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

All too often, those who move away from their original homeland encounter mistreatment and inequalities of various kinds in the new lands to which they migrate or flee.

Migrants often find it difficult to care for themselves and their families in a new, unfamiliar environment, and yet, they also often make significant positive contributions to the economy and culture of the countries in which they live.

Every 18 December, there are media campaigns, special events, and a general focus on the protection of migrants’ rights in countries all around the world.

Previous Years

202318 DecMonInternational Migrants Day
202218 DecSunInternational Migrants Day