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International Mountain Day

International Mountain Day 2024, 2025 and 2026

On 11 December 2002, the UN held “International Mountain Year”. At the end of this one-time, year-long focus on the importance of mountains, 11 December was declared to be the date for a recurring UN observance called “International Mountain Day”.

202411 DecWedInternational Mountain Day
202511 DecThuInternational Mountain Day
202611 DecFriInternational Mountain Day
202711 DecSatInternational Mountain Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The purpose of International Mountain Day is to draw world attention to the critical roles that mountainous regions of our world play. This includes producing food, serving as a source of fresh water, providing a suitable ecosystem for numerous unique species, and providing trekking, mountain climbing, skiing, and other recreational opportunities.

There is also a focus on sustainable mountain development. Logging, mining, and hunting and fishing are all important economic activities that help make mountainous regions important, but unless proper conservation methods are employed, they could prove unsustainable.

Previous Years

202311 DecMonInternational Mountain Day
202211 DecSunInternational Mountain Day